
Sydney Waldman
Apr 25, 1993      ד' אייר תשנ"ג

Sydney Waldman was a man of many talents, from being a track star in high school, through being certified as a history teacher, to carving a turkey and reassembling it as if it had never been cut. He owned an office supply business and worked in a deli. His leadership ability and great sense of humor are what are remembered best. He was president of his synagogue Grand Chancellor of his lodge, and head of his family society. He loved to join and work for organizations and was, in all respects a "people person.”

He retained the traditional Jewish values of his youth, modifying them to conform to his generation’s ideas of being a "modern American." As a parent, he was loving and protective, yet insisted on maximum academic efforts, both secular and Jewish, from his children. He enjoyed his Florida retirement thoroughly, overcoming stroke disability to live life fully till its end. Zichrono Livracha.

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